The 9th Week

From August 2nd to the 8th.



To make my living, I have been a teacher at a Jyuku (a kind of private school the students attend for supplementary work after regular school ) for 35 years.

I have to give my students 3 week intensive course in Japanese literature and algebra. I will start carving at the end of this month.

August 21st 2006

I have just finished carving all 11woodblocks for White Fox this morning !

I carved for 12 hours every Sunday this month. I feel a little bit tired now.

Thank you for watching my diary .

When a block contains a large area of vacant space that cannot be utilized by carving another figure on it, it is neccesary to leave certain parts uncarved in order to support the paper in printing and at the same time prevent it from being soiled by pigment
that might collect in the concave, carved-out part.
These parts are called "shima"(island). They should be made at a safe distance from the figure.

The edge of the shima must be carved in gentle slope. I usually make the edge of the shima smooth by using sandpaper.

Here are some woodblocks which have such shima.

I started carving my next work, (First Love #30-fire works )on August 31st and I have just finished the first carving this morning (September 3rd.)

The print (White Fox) will be UPed soon !

I hope to make
many new friends all over the world througt this diary .

I hope I will have a chance of meeting you all some day.

Thank you .

Illustrated all printing steps of First Love #30 with 80 photographs